
Player Analysis for League - RACKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Base Points 2000

56 Players have played in this league so far this season
Player Matches Played Start of Season Points Current Points Gain/Loss
Stuart Vail (16760)035293504-25
Allen Downer (16988)1227672762-5
Graham Edwards (16766)0270527050
Ricky Nepaul (16812)0262526250
James Clarke (16691)02396243640
Doug Houston (16701)0239023900
Alwyn Lewis (16733)1622552375120
Ramsey Neseyif (17131)52317233720
Paul Angelides (16871)1023052305
Karl Young (16693)2124272287-140
Philip Laurenson (16870)7223522350
Andy Franklin (16990)0223322330
Elvin Booth (16734)112109219485
Beverley Brockway (16692)3423132178-135
Mark Millard (16696)0215021500
Iain Cameron (16992)518962106210
Adrian Swanson (16788)1118781813-65
Ed Hall (16785)118211806-15
Mike Whitehead (16697)21700172020
Malcolm Wood (16997)0155215520
Barry Downer (16995)0151515150
Jon Greenacre (17074)4133313330
Don Cox (17192)0000
Bob Rose (16996)0000
Harry Thuillier (16994)0000
Barry Haysom (16890)0000
Michelle Newton (16864)0000
Stewart Hall (16863)0000
Sean Mullett (16854)0000
Duncan Johnson (16850)0000
Jeremy Donabie (16848)0000
Gary Watt (16847)0000
Nick Aubin (16844)0000
Rob Cox (16843)0000
Tom Ogden (16811)0000
Gary Ellis (16694)0000